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French teacher

Ready to take your French to the next level?

You've come to the right place!

Learn French with Elsa


Understanding French is the first step to fluency!

Follow a clear, fun, and effective roadmap to understanding real spoken French.

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Watch fun videos to learn French


Learn French in a fun & authentic
way with weekly free Youtube
videos created for Intermediate
French learners.


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The Club is the place to be for intermediate French learners.

Unlock exclusive resources for over 100+ videos to enhance your learning journey and take your French to the next level!​


Christian, Germany

C'est super de pouvoir apprendre le français en s'amusant !

J'aime bien le Club parce que c'est génial de pouvoir écouter les épisodes comme podcasts en faisant du sport ou en conduisant. J'adore vraiment les sujets de la vie quotidienne qui sont toujours présentés d'une langue naturelle et d'une manière très décontractée.


Ça m'aide énormément d'avoir des PDFs avec des explications du vocabulaire et de la grammaire - c'est super de pouvoir apprendre le français en s'amusant !

Salut, c'est Elsa !


I was born and raised in France. A few years ago, I started teaching French to my boyfriend, Doron. What first started as a way to help him communicate with my friends and family became a real passion. It is so fulfilling to help someone learn a new language, and I can't wait to help you!

I believe that language learning should be fun and interesting to be effective. This is exactly why I created the Piece of French YouTube channel in 2019 and the Piece of French Club. Through videos about real-life topics, learn French as it is actually spoken by real people, and gain new vocabulary in context while improving your comprehension and pronunciation skills! 


All my recommendations from books and apps to learn French to gear & tech I use to create my videos and work from home!

Une journée à AVIGNON, France (French Vlog with subtitles)

Une journée à AVIGNON, France (French Vlog with subtitles)

Je vous emmène avec moi pour une journée à la découverte de la ville d'Avignon dans le Sud de la France, célèbre pour son patrimoine historique et culturel ! 📚 Get your FREE EBOOK with all my best tips to take your French to the next level: ✅ Subscribe for a new video (almost!) every Wednesday:​ 🗣️Practice French conversation on italki (get $10 credits after your first $20 purchase): 💻 Learn French with TV shows on Lingopie: 🐶 Sign up to Trusted House sitters and explore sits opportunities in France: Use code POF25 at checkout to get 25% off all new memberships 🛜 NordVPN - watch French TV shows from wherever you are in the world: or use coupon code pieceoffrench RECOMMENDED BOOKS (for beginners / intermediate learners) ○ My favorite grammar book (A1-B1): (Amazon) ○ Collection Lire en français facile (A1-B2): (Amazon) ○ Ratatouille: (Amazon) ○ Le Petit Nicolas: (Amazon) Read & listen at the same time, this will allow you to expand your vocabulary, learn grammar naturally and improve your pronunciation in no time! You can find French audiobooks on Audible: FILMING EQUIPMENT ○ Camera: (Amazon) ○ Tripod: (Amazon) ○ Microphone: (Amazon) ABOUT PIECE OF FRENCH Welcome to Piece of French, an immersive French learning experience! Follow me in my daily life as a native French speaker and learn French as it is actually spoken by real people. Gain vocabulary and master new idoms in their context, while improving your comprehension and pronunciation skills. Piece of French videos are more targeted at intermediate French learners. French video with English subtitles and French subtitles! Learn French in a fun and authentic way thanks to real-life videos with a native French speaker! DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! ❤ Elsa
Why you understand MY FRENCH (but NOT other French speakers)

Why you understand MY FRENCH (but NOT other French speakers)

You can understand me, but you struggle to understand other French people? You're not alone! Here are all the reasons why. Join Master French Comprehension: ✅ Subscribe for a new video (almost!) every Wednesday:​ 🗣️Practice French conversation on italki (get $10 credits after your first $20 purchase): 💻 Learn French with TV shows on Lingopie: 🐶 Sign up to Trusted House sitters and explore sits opportunities in France: Use code POF25 at checkout to get 25% off all new memberships 🛜 NordVPN - watch French TV shows from wherever you are in the world: or use coupon code pieceoffrench RECOMMENDED BOOKS (for beginners / intermediate learners) ○ My favorite grammar book (A1-B1): (Amazon) ○ Collection Lire en français facile (A1-B2): (Amazon) ○ Ratatouille: (Amazon) ○ Le Petit Nicolas: (Amazon) Read & listen at the same time, this will allow you to expand your vocabulary, learn grammar naturally and improve your pronunciation in no time! You can find French audiobooks on Audible: FILMING EQUIPMENT ○ Camera: (Amazon) ○ Tripod: (Amazon) ○ Microphone: (Amazon) ABOUT PIECE OF FRENCH Welcome to Piece of French, an immersive French learning experience! Follow me in my daily life as a native French speaker and learn French as it is actually spoken by real people. Gain vocabulary and master new idoms in their context, while improving your comprehension and pronunciation skills. Piece of French videos are more targeted at intermediate French learners. French video with English subtitles and French subtitles! Learn French in a fun and authentic way thanks to real-life videos with a native French speaker! DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! ❤ Elsa
Les VERBES à ne pas confondre en français ! ❌

Les VERBES à ne pas confondre en français ! ❌

NEW: Master French Comprehension Course 🎉 Enrollment closes Sunday, September 29th at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) and will not reopen before 2025. By joining today, you enjoy our special launch price! ✨ Do you want to watch this video WITHOUT ADS and with OPTIONAL SUBTITLES to challenge yourself? It's available in the Piece of French Club! Join the Club: 📚 Get your FREE EBOOK with all my best tips to take your French to the next level: ✅ Subscribe for a new video (almost!) every Wednesday:​ 🗣️Practice French conversation on italki (get $10 credits after your first $20 purchase): 💻 Learn French with TV shows on Lingopie: 🐶 Sign up to Trusted House sitters and explore sits opportunities in France: Use code POF25 at checkout to get 25% off all new memberships 🛜 NordVPN - watch French TV shows from wherever you are in the world: or use coupon code pieceoffrench RECOMMENDED BOOKS (for beginners / intermediate learners) ○ My favorite grammar book (A1-B1): (Amazon) ○ Collection Lire en français facile (A1-B2): (Amazon) ○ Ratatouille: (Amazon) ○ Le Petit Nicolas: (Amazon) Read & listen at the same time, this will allow you to expand your vocabulary, learn grammar naturally and improve your pronunciation in no time! You can find French audiobooks on Audible: FILMING EQUIPMENT ○ Camera: (Amazon) ○ Tripod: (Amazon) ○ Microphone: (Amazon) ABOUT PIECE OF FRENCH Welcome to Piece of French, an immersive French learning experience! Follow me in my daily life as a native French speaker and learn French as it is actually spoken by real people. Gain vocabulary and master new idoms in their context, while improving your comprehension and pronunciation skills. Piece of French videos are more targeted at intermediate French learners. French video with English subtitles and French subtitles! Learn French in a fun and authentic way thanks to real-life videos with a native French speaker! DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! ❤ Elsa
Une journée *productive* en FRANÇAIS !

Une journée *productive* en FRANÇAIS !

NEW: Master French Comprehension Course 🎉 Enrollment closes Sunday, September 29th at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) and will not reopen before 2025. By joining today, you enjoy our special launch price! L'application de méditation 7Mind: ✨ Do you want to watch this video WITHOUT ADS and with OPTIONAL SUBTITLES to challenge yourself? It's available in the Piece of French Club! Join the Club: ✅ Subscribe for a new video (almost!) every Wednesday:​ 🗣️Practice French conversation on italki (get $10 credits after your first $20 purchase): 💻 Learn French with TV shows on Lingopie: 🐶 Sign up to Trusted House sitters and explore sits opportunities in France: Use code POF25 at checkout to get 25% off all new memberships 🛜 NordVPN - watch French TV shows from wherever you are in the world: or use coupon code pieceoffrench FILMING EQUIPMENT ○ Camera: (Amazon) ○ Tripod: (Amazon) ○ Microphone: (Amazon) ABOUT PIECE OF FRENCH Welcome to Piece of French, an immersive French learning experience! Follow me in my daily life as a native French speaker and learn French as it is actually spoken by real people. Gain vocabulary and master new idoms in their context, while improving your comprehension and pronunciation skills. Piece of French videos are more targeted at intermediate French learners. French video with English subtitles and French subtitles! Learn French in a fun and authentic way thanks to real-life videos with a native French speaker! DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! ❤ Elsa
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